Saturday, February 19, 2011

3 More Paintings That I Just Finished.

"Yellow Flower #1"

The two flower paintings are going into 8" x 10" frames.  The winter scene will be put into a 20" x 25" frame with a 3" matting around the painting.

All three paintings are done in watercolor. I hope you enjoy them.
"Yellow Flower #2"

"Pathway To The Forest"

"Sailor's Delight At Cape Charles, Virginia"

I changed the name of the painting, as you can see.  The other one was too long. I would like to thank Beatrice for allowing me to paint from the photo that she sent to me. I apologize for the photo of the painting. Please believe me, it looks better in person. I do believe it turned out better than the one I put on the blog previously.

"Sailor's Delight At Cape Charles, Virginia

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My Latest Piece Of Art Done In Acrylics - Needs Corrections

Hello Everyone:  I have decided to show this piece of art, even though I need to do some editing to it.

"Red At Night, Sailors Delight - Red In The Morning, Sailors Take Warning!"

  My Friend Beatrice took the photo and now I am trying to paint it.  Critiquing is welcomed.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Finally Got My Cannon Lense For My Canon Rebel IT1 Camera

Hi Everyone,
I finally got my lens for my camera. I am so excited. I took some photos from my dinning room window of the bird at our bird feeder. I will attached some of the photos.  They will be in one of my paintings soon.